Digital Prospectors Volunteers at OutFITers Thrift Store for Families in Transition

On April 23rd, Digital Prospectors volunteered again with our close friends at OutFITers Thrift Store in Manchester, NH.

First, Digital Prospectors helped clean up the outdoor spaces at their thrift store and Family Mill Building. Then, Digital Prospectors helped receive donations at the loading dock drop off zone, set up displays, sort through donated clothes, and stock shelves.

One hundred percent of the revenue from the OutFITers Thrift Store goes directly to support Families in Transition (FIT) housing and services for the homeless in Manchester, NH and Concord, NH.

Digital Prospectors was proud to hear from FIT that the number of hours that our group spent equates to the amount of money that could help FIT provide a safe and warm shelter for a family for one entire month!

“As recruiters, we get a good perspective through our conversations with candidates at just how difficult finding a job can be and the personal stories within that strife,” said Senior Recruiter Steve Merriman. “It felt good to be able to volunteer our time away from the phones and computer monitors to help FIT. The organization does amazing work with helping people land back on their feet, and for us to be able to lend many hands so FIT can focus their time on helping more people – is a real ‘deal’ to us, and we’re thankful for the opportunity.”

To learn more about Digital Prospectors and our commitment to local charities, contact us today.

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